A glimpse on everything you must know about fantasy chess

A glimpse on everything you must know about fantasy chess

Do you believe that everything in the realm of chess is becoming a little too real for you? Fantasy chess sets are the ideal complement; these theme chess sets may be inspired by anything from mythological creatures to stories. They disperse themselves beautifully around the theme globe.If you glance across the chessboard, you’ll see that there’s something for everyone. The signs of the Zodiac battle it out like a starry battlefield, with Don Quixote assaulting windmills before Sancho, his companion, could stop him, and Robin Hood and his Merry Men on the Sheriff of Nottingham dangling down from the trees.

The Alice in Wonderland chess set, as well as the Robin Hood chess set, will undoubtedly please the kids. Fairyland receives the title for aesthetic appearance and flawless colours after being set off brilliantly in natural tones. You may pick anybody you like; each fantasy chess set, with excellent themes and games, will enthral the gamers.

Robin Hood’s chess set pieces

The Sheriff of Nottingham and his Knights, as well as Robin Hood and his Merry Men, will undoubtedly face off in this woodland conflict in the theme chess set. The two rook castles, Robin Hood, Friar Tuck, Sheriff’s own retreats, Maid Marian, many Knights, a few fewer than a set of Merry Men, and the woods hideaway opposite the Sheriff of Nottingham are all included in this set.

With Marian as Queen and Robin as King, there should be no trouble handling the fight for his soldiers, unless they can’t utilise the cover of their beloved forests (rooks). Surely, the Sheriff will have his hands full in any case, so a well-coordinated attack on Robin’s archers is essential.

King Arthur Fantasy chess set parts

The King Arthur chess set has a unique design. Fantasy does an amazing job of bringing tales to life, and now it’s time to fight again, but this time in 64 squares. The orange and red themed pieces are led by King Arthur and Queen Guinevere, with the wizard Merlin helping the king as the bishop on the opposing side. The role of the knight is taken by a dragon, who provides a terrifying addition to the conflict. The legendary city of Camelot is where chivalry reigns supreme, and Arthur’s army is rounding out in his fortress. The courageous Knights of Round Table are ready to protect their commander and monarch, the hocks.

What is the best way to win at chess?

The King of your opponent must be kept in Check at all times. If your opponent gives up or runs out of time before you, you can win. Start with the basics and work your way up to Fantasy Chess Champion in no time!

  • How to Begin the Game: The first player begins by placing one of his eight pawns or knights in front of the other. The same rules apply to the opposing player.
  • Achieving victory in a game: Checkmating your opponent is one of the strategies to win. This happens when the king is attacked or checked, and all of the king’s available moves are also checked.
  • Another way to win is for one of the players to formally retire from the game, which is known as surrender.

Important chess pieces and their movements

Let us have a look at the different chess pieces that play a crucial role in the game:

Eight Pawns, two Knights, two Bishops, two Rooks, a Queen, and a King are available to each player. Depending on which side of the King or Queen they start on, the Knights, Bishops, and Rooks are identified as belonging to the Queen or King (e.g. Queen’s Knight). The Pawns are named for the piece behind them (for example, Queen’s Bishop’s Pawn).

  • Pawn

Pawns can only go ahead; they can’t go backwards. On their initial move, they can move one or two squares, and on following movements, they can only move one square. The Pawn must strike diagonally forwards to capture an opponent’s piece. A Pawn cannot move until it can attack another piece diagonally if a chess piece is in front of it.Pawns can use a special move to capture an opponent’s piece.

  • Knight

The only chess pieces that can jump over other pieces are knights. Because they can hop over the pawns, they are good pieces to move at the start of the game. In an L-shape, knights can advance in either direction three squares at a time.

  • Bishop

Bishops can move any number of squares diagonally, but they cannot jump over any pieces. If an enemy piece is in the way of the Bishop’s diagonal move, the Bishop can capture that piece.

  • Rook

Rooks can travel any number of spaces either forwards or backwards (called files) or side to side (called ranks) on the squares, but they cannot jump over any pieces. If an opponent piece is in the Rook’s direction of movement, the Rook can capture the enemy piece.

  • Queen

The Queen can move forward or backward, side to side, or diagonally any number of spaces on the squares, but she cannot jump over any piece. If an opponent piece is in the Queen’s course of movement, the Queen can capture the enemy piece.

  • King

The King can travel one place at a time in any direction. The opponent piece is taken if the King moves on a tile inhabited by an enemy piece.The King has a particular move with the rook that it may use to defend itself. Castling is the term for this action. To castle on the Queen’s side, first move the King two squares towards the Queen’s Rook, then leap the Rook over the King to the square on the opposite side.


You say “Check” when you assault your opponent’s King. This alerts your opponent to the possibility of a checkmate. When you assault your opponent’s King and he is unable to escape, you announce “Checkmate” or “Check and Mate,” which implies the game is finished and you have won. The game is a stalemate if either player is unable to make a legal move with any of the remaining pieces on the board and is not under check over the course of the game. If both players believe they can’t win, they can agree to a draw the play fantasy chess option.

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